During a storm, give your dog no indications that something is wrong. If you have a basement, taking your dog down there can help reduce noise. Have stairs? The tips are really useful. Earlier in the day, try to take your pooch for a good long walk to tire him out. If you are looking for ways to calm down your dog during an episode of fireworks – take him inside for the night, even if he is normally an outside dog. In fact, July 5th is often the busiest day of the year at animal shelters, as pets run off from home in fear, found lost and confused the next day. Begin by getting your dog accustomed to the sound of fireworks – this video on YouTube is a great starting point! The collar is worn continuously unless the dog is being shampooed. See our list of the best anti-anxiety medicine for dogs, including calming treats and other over-the-counter options you can order online, as well as medications that would require a veterinarian’s prescription. Relaxing Music for Dogs to calm from Fireworks, loud noises - includes desensitising sound effects - Desensitising Firework Music! If you know your dog is especially prone to taking off at the sound of firecrackers, consider getting your pooch geared up with a dog GPS tracker so you can locate them once things have calmed down. Some dogs seem to appreciate classical music, while other owners report that their pups enjoy the soothing sounds of talk radio or NPR. We put pee pads in front of the front door. Any time there’s a chance of fireworks (which includes days before and after the actual holiday), our dogs will be indoors and wearing their collars and tags. So, I intend to refer to the tips in this post and practice them before the fireworks of this year! We were able to manage her fears with a variety of techniques, patience, and products. If your dog is not crate trained, a small, windowless closet can also be reassuring. Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) recently tweeted about a quick and easy way to make your dogs feel safe when fireworks are going off. We’ve created this handy infographic to help owners keep their dogs safe during 4th of July fireworks (these tips apply to New Years fireworks and any other situations involving fireworks as well). Play a game. Put the Thundershirt on before the fireworks begin so that you can prevent your dog from a fearful state. Along with her husband, John Bigley, she has authored over 30 books on pets and travel including The Healthy Hound Cookbook (Simon & Schuster) and Texas with Dogs (Open Road). If there’s a possibility your dog could harm himself or cause a lot of damage, it’s time to talk about giving your dog medication. I take my 7 yr. old rottie girl into the bedroom, turn down the lights, turn our tv to channel 856 which plays New Age Music, lay down beside her and rub her and talk to her. Yes, you’ll read advice not to coddle dogs frightened by fireworks–but cuddling is not coddling. Little by little he learns to associate the fireworks with delicacies and positive feelings. Vacuum the floor or turn on the washing machine. Additionally, K9ofMine.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Ensure that the information on your pet’s collar is current and … Turn on the television louder than usual and keep it on throughout the night. A partially opened window does not supply sufficient fresh air, and it creates an opportunity for your pet to be stolen. This worked for my firework-phobic dogs for many years. Provide Your Dog With a Safe Space. 8 Comments. A crate is one of the great options to protect the dogs from “dangers”, however, I prefer to get rid of his anxiety, which can avoid Thanks for sharing! Dogs are likely to drink more when they are worried, so fill their water bowl up to the brim. Dog Safety Get tons of great dog training advice and tips about gear! If you have a dog that is afraid of fireworks, knowing how to calm down a dog is an essential skill that not everyone knows how to do. “Also, one of the most important times to have appropriate ID on your dog is Fourth of July.” He also suggested giving treats and toys to your dog while the fireworks shoot off. If your dog appears stressed, turn the volume down or stop completely and practice another time. . How to use music to calm your dog during fireworks Use sounds and music to calm your dog or mask the noise of fireworks. She still doesn’t LIKE the noise but she doesn’t go hide in the very back of a closet and will stay out with us, close by, in the rest of the house. Firework anxiety in dogs is something that has become a big issue for dogs and their owners. Your dog may be under significant stress, which could result in unnecessary injury to others or cause him to dart out the door. How to Keep Dogs Calm During Fireworks 1. Smile and speak in a calm, reassuring tone. Other sounds may distract your pet from the booming firework noises. Your email address will not be published. If your dog is not too nervous to take a treat, distract your dog with yummy treats and a long-lasting chew (we use bully sticks as well as stuffed KONG toys). If you live that’s illuminated by fireworks, make sure your dog is either in a room with no windows or in one with blackout curtains. Dogs show different signs of stress than … Share your advice in the comments! Thundershirt 3. Creating distractions is a great way to help your dog through scary fireworks. … Adaptil, D.A.P (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) Collar This collar contains pheromones much like those produced by a nursing mother to calm her pups. Both dogs want to be safe, but they process the situation differently. Try to act and behave as normal, as your dog will pick up on any odd behaviour. Meg Marrs is the Founder and Director of Marketing at K9 of Mine. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. If you have a dog that is afraid of fireworks, knowing how to calm down a dog is an essential skill that not everyone knows how to do. Unfortunately, this year our neighbor who lives on the side beside my bedroom, was setting them off, and they sounded like bombs going off. November 3, 2020 Plus, with Furbo, you can dispense dog treats from the camera to distract and encourage your pup when things get scary! If your dog likes to watch television, DOGTV can be a great solution to how to keep your dog calm during fireworks! It releases endorphins … Playing music seems to help Rico during car rides, so we make sure to have some tunes going when the fireworks begin. Being an animal communicator for years, I’ve learned many different ways to calm down a dog, with varying degrees of success. Obviously, this one isn’t for everyone, but ultimately it’ll be best if you can stay home with your four-footer during 4th of July fireworks. Zesty Paws Calming Bites for Dogs - Anxiety Composure Relief with Suntheanine -... DIY Thundershirt: How to Make Your Own Canine Anxiety Wrap. Dogs love hiding beneath the hanging clothes; your scent will be reassuring to them. Make this a safe holiday for you and your four-legged family members! In fact, July 5th is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters, as they spend most of the day making phone calls and trying to reunite missing pets with their frantic owners. Please include attribution to K9 of Mine with this graphic. Turn on the video and give your dog a treat, talking in a happy, upbeat voice. If your dog is crate trained, a crate can be a reassuring, calm place to weather the storm of fireworks. Other popular anxiety-reducing medicines include Zesty Paws Calming Chews – which are natural dog treats formulated with L-Theanine to promote canine relaxation – and Rescue Remedy, which is a liquid formula of natural stress-relieving remedies that can be added to your pup’s food. Give your dog the treats one by one in tiny pieces (smaller than a pea). Dogs Trust in the UK offer various, free, sound therapy tracks that you can download. Consider hiring a pet sitter to stay with your dog while you are away from home. It’s also smart to have recent photos of your dog on hand to send to shelters so they can keep an eye out for your pooch. Follow the same routine you would any other night. Your email address will not be published. Keep your dogs indoors. The flash of fireworks (just like lightning) can be frightening to some dogs. Create a special den-like area in your home where your dog feels safe. It is bad for all the animals and a waste of money that can be used for the poor and shelters. Taking Your Dog to a Display Look for signs of anxiety. This simple wrap can be made with just a piece of fabric - and could possibly save your dogs life. We use a Thundershirt (see below). Keeping your dog calm during fireworks may require a menu of strategies. We recommend a nice long walk in the AM! Many owners swear by the power of the Thundershirt – a wraparound vest your dog wears that is said to instantly calm them down through the use of gentle pressure. Get tons of great dog training tutorials, canine gear guides, and the latest doggy discounts. It was more difficult to calm her down with that. Sound therapy can be used to help dogs gradually get used to loud noises and bangs such as thunder and fireworks. June 11, 2020 by Anna Liutko. If you begin this practice with your puppy, it will further reinforce that fireworks = fun! My pup would hide under the couch once hearing the firework, which indicates that dogs love to stay in a limited space and feel security. Not only does this help rid your dog of nervous energy but dogs cannot multitask so this puts their mind on walking. It’s true that Benadryl may alleviate symptoms for some dogs, but the sedative effects are mild and not nearly as pronounced in dogs as they are in people. © Copyright 2021 by K9 Of Mine / Marrsipan Media LLC |, list of the best crates for separation anxiety, 4 hours of Bach Classic Music via YouTube. Make sure your dog has a properly fitting collar and ID tags with contact info, just in case he takes off. If you have the patience, and don’t mind staying home during the celebrations, bring your scaredy dog into a basement or other area that you can more or less seal off from the noise. Firework displays may be fun for human participants but the loud noises and flashing lights of holiday fireworks spell absolute Thursday, December 31, 2020 Learn how your comment data is processed. The safe zone area should be well lit. While we mentioned playing firework sounds to desensitize your pet early on, it’s also not a bad idea to keep the radio or TV on if you plan on being out during the fireworks. The human should also stay in the same room as the safe zone. Filed Under: Holidays & Your Dog, Safety, Tips. Speak to your vet about Adaptil products, which contain ‘dog appeasing pheromone’ – these may help promote a feeling of calm for your dog. Busy Buddy Kibble Nibbler 2. Some tips to calm dogs include making sure all windows and doors are shut, walking during the day when there’ll be no fireworks, and masking the sounds with TV or radio. Dog body language is complex and can often be misread. Rather than sitting, trembling together on the couch grab your dog’s favorite toy and … Best CBD Oil for Dogs: Addressing Your Dog’s Aches With CBD! She loves iced coffee, hammocks, and puppy-cuddling! Break out toys and treats to get your dog to begin associating firework sounds with good, fun things! Turn on a TV or radio at normal volume to distract your dog from loud noises and help him to relax. 18 thoughts on “ 10 Safety and Calming Tips for Dogs During Fireworks ” Thundershirt June 11, 2012 at 9:01 am. Some dogs will feel comforted by having their own safe space to hide when frightening fireworks go off. Make Sure Your Pet Has Proper ID. K9ofMine.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. It’s not uncommon for dogs to escape and bolt during fireworks out of fear. You want to put the Thundershirt on BEFORE the fireworks begin so that you are preventing fear rather than trying to walk your dog back from a fearful state. Here’s a snapshot of some of the essential stress-reducers we suggest taking advantage of to calm your pooch during the 4th! If you can’t be home for the 4th, consider grabbing a Furbo Dog Camera that will let you monitor your pooch’s progress remotely. If you don’t use a crate, remove any items in the room which your dog could destroy or which could hurt him if he chewed them. Firework displays may be fun for human participants but the loud noises and flashing lights of holiday fireworks spell absolute terror for many dogs–so much so that many dogs go missing after hearing fireworks. K9ofMine.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Some dogs become destructive when frightened. One owner notes that a few drops of Frankincense essential oil placed along the back of their dog’s neck helped keep him calm during the 4th! How to calm your dog during fireworks The number one rule is to always keep your dog indoors when fireworks are being let off. Black Out the Light. Cuddling is one friend reassuring another during a trying time. Please cancel the fireworks. Play music, or turn on a machine that emits white noise. (LIVER works great!). If possible, stay with your pet during the majority of the fireworks. Being an animal communicator for years, I’ve learned many different ways to calm down a dog, with varying degrees of success. My current dogs aren’t bothered by the fireworks, thank goodness! Another popular dog distraction strategy is to fill a Kong with tasty wet food and freeze it – your pooch will spend the next few hours licking away at it. Zesty Paws Calming Chews 4. Scroll down to find out how to: Help a dog with severe anxiety from thunder or fireworks; How to help a dog with milder stress; Let’s say your dog has SEVERE anxiety during thunderstorms and fireworks. She is a lifelong canine enthusiast and adores dogs of all shapes and sizes! If you have any areas of your home that tend to be more sound-proof than others, opt for those sound-dampening areas to alleviate your pup’s anxiety. Do you have any other tips for keeping dogs calm during fireworks? Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement. If you don’t prefer using medicine to calm down your dog during fireworks event, and I can see why most people don’t like that solution, your vet might be able to recommend some natural supplements, that can work perfectly. If your dog appears stressed, turn down the volume or stop altogether and practice another time. “Exercise is good for dogs. If you cannot bring him inside, cover his dog house with a blanket to protect him from the bursts of bright lights and loud bangs. Give your dog the treats one at a time in tiny pieces (smaller than a pea). For some dogs, medicine might be the best way to go. I’ve found that a few drops of Frankincense essential oil along the back of the neck of my senior rescue Lab mix Abby really helps calm her down. Paris Permenter Last updated on December 30, 2020. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. This can cause a lot of stress and can be very painful for dogs. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You should time walks earlier in the day before the fireworks … If your dog has shown severe signs of stress–panting, drooling, bolting through the house–have a talk with your veterinarian about calming prescriptions. Our dog Irie was always afraid of fireworks (as well as thunder, gunshots, and other loud sounds). Keep your dog away from the front and back doors. First … a word about safety. If your dog is nervous, you don’t want to allow him outdoors (and our dogs have refused to go outside to potty during fireworks). We used a compression garment on our dog Irie before the fireworks began. Throw in some laundry and put on some music to drown out any firework noise. One of the best ways to prepare your dog for fireworks is to make sure he’s comfortable with the sounds in advance. Give him a good chew to chomp on or a dog puzzle toy to keep him occupied. Your goal is for your dog to equate the sound of fireworks with FUN so that it will minimize fear. Add some cozy blankets, a crate bed, and a few favorite toys to make a true comfort den for your nervous canine. Do a few loads of laundry, play some music, set up seating for yourself and bring a good book. In our neighborhood, it is a 3-night event, so it’s unpleasant for people as well as doggies ;(. You can actually use it any time your dog is anxious. 5 min read Just make sure to adhere to basic summer safety guidelines when it comes to exercising in the heat. A dog often reacts more intensely to loud sounds and flashes of lights when you are not with him. Your dog may not need to rely on calming aids forever but helping your dog get through fireworks fears calmly can not only keep him safer during fireworks but also help you work through his fireworks fears with desensitization in future months. If you’re wondering how to calm a dog during fireworks, we’ve got help for you, starting before the fireworks ever begin. You have successfully joined our pup pack. You may have heard that Benadryl can be used as a sedative to calm your dog while traveling or during fireworks or thunderstorms. Consider purchasing calming products before the holiday: We’ve reviewed this calming jacket several times here on DogTipper; you can check our review. Help your dog by being calm and happy, not by overloading it … separation anxiety in dogs as well. He’s especially a fan of John Mayer! Share this infographic to spread the word and keep canines safe this 4th! Act calm. This is a simple process, However, it can take time. Desensitize Your Dog. A dog’s sense of hearing is acute–about four times more sensitive than humans’. It’s important to time your dog’s dinner and potty trips well in … Let them hide in the safest place: Sometimes, they hide in their crate, under the bed, in the bathtub, … Drown the noise out. Begin by getting your dog accustomed to the sound of fireworks – this video on YouTube is a... 2. If you live that’s illuminated by fireworks, make sure your dog is either in a … Paris Permenter is the founder and co-publisher of DogTipper. One of the most important things missing on the list is lighting. "Exercise is a great idea to reduce your pet's anxiety. A few options are: Close the windows and curtains during fireworks to minimize sound and keep your dog feeling safe. Give your dog something better to do than worry! These tips can help you keep your anxious pup calm throughout the night. I think it’s advisable to desensitize the pup by playing sound recordings of fireworks during their playtime. Don’t leave your dog outside. If you go to a holiday event, never leave your dog in the car. Walk up and down with your dog on leash. Many dogs bolt out of the door at the first sound of fireworks so it’s definitely time to keep those tags on your dog! Get lavender essential oil. All product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. If the fireworks are in the distance, she will eventually lay down beside me, and go to sleep. (I used similar videos when introducing our dog Barli to all kinds of sounds–construction, ambulances, fire trucks, etc. « Dog Rescue Advocates the World Lost in 2020, Win a Yucky Puppy® Dog Walking Bag + Poop Bag Carriers #WalkYourDogMonth ». Using a Calming product for the dogs is the best way to keep them calm during the fireworks. Little by little, he’ll learn to associate the fireworks with treats and positive feelings. Consider purchasing a crate (we have a list of the best crates for separation anxiety – these will serve as great comfort crates for other stressors as well). Grab the official Thundershirt, or try making your own DIY version using a scarf or ace bandage. They’ll feel much happier and safer with you by their side! How to Calm Your Dog During Fireworks. With our Irie, I tried to encourage her to cuddle on the couch. Wrap the torso like a hug (not tightly). The Anxiety Wrap is designed to use both acupressure and gentle swaddling pressure to calm your fearful dog using thin fabric of special interest to anyone concerned about summer heat. Start crate training ahead of time. Treat and praise him for his calm actions. ), You’ll want to play the video at a time when you can interact with your dog, giving him super yummy treats that he doesn’t normally get. Bark Busters has a list of helpful tips for helping your dog during fireworks when you won’t be home: Remember, shelters see a huge number of lost dogs in the days following fireworks displays. During the fireworks Distract your dog from the noise by having the TV or the radio switched on. Best Dog Crate Covers: Calm and Quiet Your Canine. … Required fields are marked *. A t-shirt, dog sweater or other garment can also be used to give that feeling of swaddling. Share with fellow dog lovers! Let your dog exercise and run around frequently. A timely reward can make them associate the sound with positive experiences and reduce the fear of loud fireworks. A dog with easily accessible contact info can make all the difference when it comes to stopping your dog from getting lost, as anyone who finds your dog may be able to quickly reunite you. Some dogs will feel comforted by having their own safe space to hide when... 3. This year, predictions are that more people will be doing fireworks on their own rather than attending New Year’s Eve events–so make sure you and your dog are prepared for the sound of fireworks even if your neighborhood is usually quiet. As the fireworks sounds/video is going, play with your pup! Be calm and confident when there are fireworks. Some ultra-terrified dogs may not be interested in eating when they are so scared, but others may be on board. If you don’t have a swaddling garment, you can improvise with an Ace elastic bandage. Talk to your veterinarian. Schedule Meals and Potty Time Early. Meg Marrs He might be able to give your dog some medication to calm it down during the event. By What a wonderful infographic! The ThunderShirt, a popular vest for pets, applies gentle, constant pressure to help calm pets during stormy weather or fireworks. Close the curtains to black out any flashing lights from outside. 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