First, choose a fig tree variety that grows well in your climate and self-pollinates. With potted fig trees, that’s not necessary. Please do not be afraid. Use a mixture of one part indoor potting soil, one part vermiculite, one part compost and one part builder’s sand. In summer, depending on how hot it is outside, you may need to water twice a day. Next the branches need to be wrapped in heavy fabric such as carpet padding, canvas or blankets. You can grow a fig tree in an unheated greenhouse during the summer months as long as it has adequate ventilation. You Can take information from our article How to grow Fig tree in a container, Fig varieties, Pests and diseases fig tree, Propagation Fig tree, figs care. The Ficus carica tree is popular because of leaves and special shapes, it is easy to cultivate, which is healthy, and is far from trouble. Remove the tree from the pot, and cut back approximately half the roots to a healthy ball. This is necessary because you are reducing the amount of roots so the amount of top growth must be reduced as well. Fig trees need to be kept warm if they are to survive. Winter protection. This fig tree care guide gives you everything you need to successfully plant, grow, and maintain your fig tree for years to come. While they’re dormant, they don’t need light or much heat. The only one to avoid turning into a standard ficus, … Fig trees root readily, and where cuttings or stems come into contact with the ground, they will begin to put out roots. This limits the laborious winterizing process and allows city-dwellers and suburbanites to enjoy a piece of the … Steps for Container Planting: For a small fig tree or cutting, choose a planting container that is at least 12" to 14" in diameter and fill it with a quality potting soil. The temperature should be between 10 and 40 degrees. A much easier and less labor intensive method of fig tree care in winter is to keep the fig tree in a container and put it into dormancy in the winter. Your plant should be brought indoors around the middle of November, once all of the leaves have fallen off. I’m here for the lifetime of your fig tree. Remember seeing grandparents or neighbors wrapping their fig trees in burlap or tarp? Pruning should be done during the winter months when the tree is dormant. While you don't need to add fertilizer to the fig tree's soil mixture, you can add a complete, slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of each growing season -- 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 1 gallon of soil in your container, or according to the directions on the fertilizer's packaging. Fig trees grown in containers may be ideal for your limited space or limited opportunity situation. Potted fig trees make wonderful focal points in gardens and on decks/verandas.Trees can be stored outside once the last hard frost has occurred, so typically late April or early May, just like annual flowers. Luckily for you, I’ve provided one years’ worth of fertilizer to get you started. If you have grown your fig tree in a pot it is important that you start pruning right after the fruit has ripened. Make sure that the container you use has an adequate drainage hole in it. How to Care for Potted Fig Trees. Now, the fun part! Prune the roots of potted fig trees every 3 to 4 years. Rather than hauling water to the fig trees, you can simply pack a bit of snow onto the top of the planters wherever you are storing them for the winter. Pot fig trees in plastic, clay or wooden planters. Add some fresh soil on top after returning the root ball to the pot. She specializes in writing about home improvement, self-sufficient lifestyles and gardening. It will do this in the fall at … Using Snow to Supply Moisture to Potted Fruit Trees. In autumn, when the leaves start to turn and fall (ideally before the … In fact, the more sun the better, since heat and sunlight help to ripen figs. Then the entire tree should be covered with a plastic bag or wrap. Water fig trees when the soil is dry an inch below the surface. Fig Tree Leaf Care. They will need to be watered more frequently during the hot summer months than during the dormant period in winter. As long as the potting soil is loose, well-drained and the pot has a drainage hole, it is hard to over water potted fig trees. Water regularly; do not let the compost dry out. In spring, it’s best to water fig trees every other day. They do not flower, but you will see small figs develop in the late spring. Placing the pot on casters makes for ease of movement if the tree needs to be moved … Repotting needs to be done while the fig tree is dormant before leaves start growing. Half whiskey barrels are ideal, but any container large enough to accommodate the root ball plus some growing space is fine. Put the fig tree in a sunny spot in your yard, and keep well watered. During hot summer weather, your fig tree may need more frequent watering, possibly even daily. A good sign that they are fully ripe is that they’ll begin to feel soft to the touch and droop a tiny bit. This is typically in the middle of summer. Famartin CC BY-SA 4.0. Most varieties I sell are friendly to the northeast and ripen in time for mid- to late-summer. The history of the fig tree is long and deeply-rooted. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Don’t fertilize in winter, and water only sparingly, when the leafless tree is indoors. Once the figs appear, apply liquid tomato fertiliser every two to three weeks during the growing season, until they start to ripen. The snow will gradually melt and supply the fig tree containers with just the right amount of moisture at opportune times. In areas with cold winter temperatures, it’s best to move the tree undercover where it will be protected from frost and snow. Prune the roots of potted fig trees every 3 to 4 years. Set it in an unheated garage or basement and allow it to go dormant for the winter months. After planting your fig tree in its container, water it well, then add a layer of mulch. Choose a pot which is about 5cm larger each time. Potted fig trees need ‘root pruning’ approximately every two years if they are growing well. Leaves are vital to your plant growing big and strong. Nevertheless, it’s good to give these trees some extra love when winter winds blow in. To eliminate either pest, mix 2 tablespoons of pure neem oil and 1 1/2 teaspoons of mild dish detergent with 1 gallon of water. The fertilizer I recommend is Osmocote Plus slow release, which can be purchased at any big box store. Move indoors in late fall before freezing weather sets in for good. This will ensure that your fig tree gets good drainage and enough, but not too much, nutrients. Yes, yes and oh, yes! This is great news for gardeners because it means we can keep them over the winter even if we don’t have a bright, hot greenhouse. Care for a potted fig tree by using well-drained potting soil, watering it regularly and fertilizing the tree every month during its growing season. A standard ficus or fig tree (Ficus species) is one that has been grown in a pot and trained to create a classic "ball on a stick" look. © 2018 The Potted Fig | All Rights Reserved | Developed by. Fig Tree Basics. Make sure you follow these tips for healthy leaves! Successful crop? Branches should be pruned by 1/3. Bring your dormant tree into a cool garage or unheated basement. Figs grow on new growth. Fig trees are a popular tree to grow potted in the home rather than planted in the ground. After planting your fig tree in its container, water it well, then add a layer of mulch. Fig trees are not heavy feeders, but they require fertilization once or twice a year. A container suitable for planting fig trees in pots should be large. The figs will start to swell as they ripen, depending on the variety and weather that season, around the second week of August and all the way through October. Fig trees grown in containers need to be fertilized with a high nitrogen fertilizer every four weeks in the spring and early summer. Winterizing a fig tree in a container starts with allowing the tree to lose its leaves. In the fall, a few weeks before first frost. Keep the potted fig tree in full sun during the summer, then bring it into a place that does not freeze when the leaves drop in autumn. Once the fruits appear in early summer, you can encourage them to flourish with an application of liquid tomato fertiliser each fortnight until they begin to ripen. Remove about one-fourth of the branches of the fig tree at the same time that you prune the roots. Pruning Fig Trees In Pots. The more branches, the more figs. The same goes for your potted tree. Add some fresh soil on top after returning the root ball to the pot. Don’t worry – one or two frosts will not kill your tree. Please do! How to Grow Potted Fig Trees. It’s true that fig trees cannot survive outdoors in the northeast unless they are covered and kept warm, but potting plants provides a more aesthetically pleasing way around this issue. Also, be sure to like The Potted Fig on Facebook. Follow the instructions on the label and do not over-fertilize, as you’ll have an unhappy tree on your hands. Table of Contents. Alternate between a high potassium fertiliser such as tomato food and a general-purpose fertiliser. Prune as necessary to maintain a size and shape you can work with. Potted Fig Tree Care. While people in warmer climates typically grow the trees in the ground – think of the burlap-wrapped ones you see in many Greek or Italian neighborhoods – it’s also possible for those living in cooler climates, where the subtropical plant does not grow, to enjoy the tree by putting them in pots. When the danger of frost has passed, you can bring your tree outdoors. The mature wood of some figs is hardy down to -10°C (14°F) or more. Put the fig tree in a sunny spot in your yard, and keep well watered. Be patient! Fig trees are a popular tree to grow potted in the home rather than planted in the ground. Try not to plant in a black or dark-colored pot because it will attract the sun’s rays and possibly overheat the roots. Observe and respond accordingly to your trees environment. Water well during summer. This is necessary because you are reducing the amount of … Position your fig tree outdoors in a warm, sunny spot that is sheltered from strong wind. During hot summer weather, your fig tree may need more frequent watering, possibly even daily. Don’t worry – … Easy Because Figs go Dormant Fig trees are deciduous and drop their leaves after first frost. Potted fig trees are becoming very popular lately, since growing the plants in pots eliminates worries over winterizing. This part is critical – you cannot let your tree dry out. Keep your potted fig tree in full sun during the summer. Fig trees love sun! Most of the flavor and sugars develop in the last 24 hours or so. Potted fig trees make wonderful focal points in gardens and on decks/verandas.Trees can be stored outside once the last hard frost has occurred, so typically late April or early May, just like annual flowers. Lightly prune the tree after the growing season to keep it pot-sized. All Rights Reserved. A hard frost will not harm the tree, but it will kill the opening buds and delay growth. As long as the potting soil is loose, well-drained and the pot has a drainage hole, it is hard to over water potted fig trees. Repeat the oil treatment one week later for spider mites, once every two weeks for two months for scale. Fertilize your fig tree with a slow-release organic fertilizer. Container grown figs need regular watering and feeding. Remove about one-fourth of the branches of the fig tree at the same time that you prune the roots. Simply put fertilizer on top of the soil and work it in about a half inch or so in the spring time. Prune off about one-fourth of the roots that are growing at the outside of the root ball. Dig around the outsi… However, the tips that carry the embryonic fruit are vulnerable to frost and a … You should not bring a fig tree into your house for the winter, or into a greenhouse. During spring and summer feed every week. You don’t necessarily need full sun all day; three-quarters of a day will work too. Use a light, friable but not overly rich potting soil mix for growing potted fig trees. The health of your fiddle leaf fig tree’s leaves are SO important. They go dormant during winter so there is no need to find a sunny spot for them in your house or greenhouse during freezing weather. This is safest for the tree. The mulch will keep the soil from drying out too quickly. They grow very well and even produce figs without a lot of special attention. Photo via Wikimedia Commons. Plastic is fine with lighter colors preferable so the roots do not become heat stressed in the summer. Overwintering potted figs If you live in an area with mild winter temperatures you can leave your fig tree outdoors in a sunny, sheltered spot over the winter months. Potted trees should be watered weekly. Note: If your trees leaves begin to yellow, chances are it is being over-watered. Lay the pot on its side and remove the pot. After donning goggles and a respirator, spray the plant thoroughly. Try not to plant in a black or dark-colored pot because it will attract the sun’s rays and possibly overheat the roots. Now that I’ve piqued your curiosity let’s talk all things you need to know to plant and take care of a fig tree. Apply the mulch out to the rim of the pot, and make sure it’s around three inches deep. Pot. It’s easier for the soil to slowly absorb the melted snow and you’ll have less water … Wrap the root ball in a plastic bag and keep the tree in a cool dark place for the winter (ideal temperature range is 0-10°C / 32 to 50° F ). Here’s what you need to know about planting figs, fig tree care and growing a fig tree indoors or outdoors in a pot. You can always transplant the tree in later years as it outgrows the container. A hard frost will not harm the tree, but it will kill the opening buds and delay growth. Winter Care ‘Hardy Chicago’ is among the most cold-tolerant of fig varieties; its stems are hardy down to 10°F and its roots will survive temperatures as low as -20°F. In early spring the tree will appreciate a feed with a balanced general-purpose fertiliser followed by a mulch of well-rotted manure or compost. Container grown figs should be repotted every three years when dormant in winter. You want the fig tree to go dormant, as it’s a critical part of the growing cycle. Don’t pick your figs too early. Watering the Common Fig. However, do water your fig tree if you notice signs of stress because its water requirements can differ based on the weather or the soil nutrients. Prune off about one-fourth of the roots that are growing at the outside of the root ball. Growing fig trees in containers is a great opportunity for urban gardeners to grow some of their own fruit! “Another option, since you have to root-prune and repot the plant every year or two to provide room for new roots to grow,” says Lee, “is to take the plant out of the pot, hack back the roots, and put the remaining root ball into a plastic bag, loosely tied. I’ll share information, resources, photos and videos regularly and would love for you to share pictures of your trees! Stemming back to biblical times, figs were one of the first foods consumed by people and one of the first foods cultivated. Choose a fertilizer that is high in phosphorus (the second number on the label) or one that is formulated for fruits and vegetables. Lay the pot on its side and remove the pot. It will stress the tree and the figs will fall off (nobody likes stress, even fig trees!). Prune in late winter, usually March or April, before budding, or in late fall, around Halloween, or once the tree is done fruiting. Taking it back to that 6th grade science class lesson on photosynthesis – plants get most of their nutrients from the sun! When grown outdoors, the Common Fig tree will get the necessary water from rain and underground sources. In order to prepare an outdoor fig tree for winter, straw or leaves should be spread around the base of the tree. Most fig trees make excellent standard plant subjects because they are hardy, suffer being pot bound and tolerate long periods without water.about being bound in a container and can tolerate low water levels. We have all the lowdown on fiddle leaf fig trees right here! Secondly, how do you care for a potted fig tree? The more you prune your tree, the more branching you will get. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Use a light, friable but not overly rich potting soil mix for growing potted fig trees. Water fig trees when the soil is dry an inch below the surface. Where you make a cut, you’ll soon see growth of two or three branches from that cut. The size of the pot should be appropriate for the top growth. Figs are one of the least complicated fruits to grow and the trees suffer few disease or pest problems. Fig trees grown in containers need to be watered abundantly and fertilized with a high nitrogen fertilizer every four weeks during the growing season. The mulch will keep the soil from drying out too quickly. Obviously, call me – 845-309-0836. An adult fig tree should be transplanted into a 15- to 20-gallon container. An organic fertilizer such as compost and mulch will help retain moisture as well. Move figs growing in pots into a sunny location, outdoors, once there is no danger of frost. Your plant should be brought indoors around the middle of November, once all of the leaves have fallen off. These are not ready for picking. If you’re a beginner gardener and want to learn how to grow and care for these plants, then you’ve come to the right place. That plant will be lighter and easier to move, especially if stems also are pruned. Misting is a must! There are also many great resources online. One forum is and there are several Facebook groups, What the Fig and Northern Fig Growers are two of my favorites. In spring, apply a general-purpose granular feed and mulch around the base of fan trained plants, with well-rotted organic matter, to retain moisture and suppress weeds. If you compost, mix some of the screened compost into the container along with a quality potting soil to … This will give your potted fig tree time to harden off the newer growth which will be stimulated by the cutting process. Sharon Sweeny has a college degree in general studies and worked as an administrative and legal assistant for 20 years before becoming a professional writer in 2008. Do not use clay pot, they break and dry out the soil quickly. Since fiddle leaf fig trees can be potted at any time throughout the year, you can keep them indoors and enjoy their lush appearance for many years. Any big box store the pot your dormant tree into a cool garage or and... On how hot it is being over-watered water it well, then add a layer of mulch bring... More you prune your tree, but you will get the necessary water rain. Be wrapped in heavy fabric such as carpet padding, canvas or.., canvas or blankets need full sun all day ; three-quarters of a day soil... Get you started but you will get the necessary water from rain and underground sources 5cm! Dormant tree into a greenhouse apply the mulch will keep the soil dry... Compost and mulch will help retain moisture as well, friable but not overly rich soil... 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