By having multiple areas or paddocks to graze, the stock will get a continual supply of high quality grass before returning to the first paddock. Rutgers University Office of the State Climatologist. Virostek et al. Present study values fell within this range with the NDF being around 70% at the high end and as low as 40% during the early spring months, at which time most grasses were short and actively growing, while Fleurance et al. The rotationally grazed (R) fields are 2R and 3R, where the continuously grazed (C) fields are 2C and 3C. (1995) reported initial herbage mass ranges of 1,588 to 4,070 kg/ha in rotationally grazed North Carolina TF pastures over a 2-yr period. The main finding from this study was that rotational grazing did result in improved pasture condition and quality but did not result in increased horse condition and reduced maintenance costs. The Rutgers University Institutional Animal Care and Use Review Board approved all methods and procedures used in this experiment (Protocol # 04-005). That sounds simple but its time calculation is based on numerous factors – including moisture, type and quality of grass available, and the number of animals. Rotational Grazing Benefits: South Dakota Producer Perceptions. However, taller swards and more available forage per ha do not necessarily equate to a higher plane of nutrition for grazing horses. Often times rotations are set. Outside of the winter rest periods, the C horses grazed a total of 507 d, representing 100% of grazing time between August 1 and November 17, 2014, May 14 to December 3, 2015, and May 10 to November 22, 2016. This was also found to be true in the present study. and State Univ. that were enclosed by permanent fencing; each R system was subdivided into four pasture sections (0.37 to 0.4 ha each) separated using temporary horse-friendly fencing (electric tape; Kencove Farm Fence, Blairsville, PA). The preponderance of research in other livestock species has found that adopting rotational grazing practices does not result in greater animal condition (summarized by Holechek et al., 1999; Briske et al., 2008). Horses in the C systems were offered hay at 2% BW per day when available pasture forage was low. Plant nutrient content data were evaluated using repeated-measures ANCOVA, blocking by field, and utilizing the seasonal covariate month. (1984) also observed large decreases in cover extending up to 61 m away from a water source when used by horses and/or cattle. For more details on the soluble carbohydrate differences in these systems and the effect on sugar metabolism in these horses, see a companion study, Williams et al. If haymaking equipment had been available, this could have been an opportunity to preserve the forage as hay and realize a cost savings, as illustrated by Burk et al. 2Each of the four pastures had one complied sample taken each month forage was available. Field composition frequency counts for TC show that there is an association between field composition and treatment (Table 5; P < 0.0001). (2015) found significantly higher digestible energy (DE), water soluble carbohydrates, and sugar in the rotationally grazed pasture due to the plants remaining in a vegetative state. Rotational grazing also can increase the amount of forage har-vested per acre over continuous grazing by as much as 2 tons dry matter per acre. Interactions were also tested. Months with CI gaps between treatments are different at P < 0.05. Collected samples were then dried at 65 °C for at least 36 h in a Thermocore oven (Cayley and Bird, 1996). Heady (1961) notes that, in an attempt to uniformly defoliate the pasture, rotational grazing forces animals to consume the lower-quality forage that normally would be ignored. Body condition score (BCS) for horses within each treatment (continuous grazing system, C, n = 6 and rotational grazing system, R, n = 6). 1Grasses planted included KB, OG, and TF. Weeds were more prevalent in R pastures than C, which is interesting considering TF and OG were also more prevalent in R. The higher proportion of weeds does not appear to reflect lower proportions of desirable grasses, so it may reflect lower proportions of GW and O combined. © The Author(s) 2020. It can also help keep weeds out of your pastures when you are controlling the grass and making sure it is not getting overgrazed. Regenerative practices helped sequester 2.29 milligrams of … The C horses were maintained on pasture for 100% of the study duration (844 d; August 1, 2014 to November 22, 2016), while R horses had access to pasture for approximately half of this time (408 ± 33 d). This technique is only just now starting to be used in the Western states, and there are definite pros and cons. Prior to the start of grazing (at least 2 mo), horses were housed in their respective groups on dry lots and fed a moderate quality grass hay at 2% of BW. Nutritional value of pasture plants for horses. For outcome measurements on horses (i.e., BW, BCS, and FAT), repeated-measures ANCOVA was conducted, blocking by field, nested in horse, with seasonal covariate month. Vegetative cover is an indicator of the proportion of green forage available to horses in a pasture, while TC includes any item which covers the soil, living or dead, and is a better indicator of soil condition and erosion risk (Herrick et al., 2009). There were no significant differences between treatments for average monthly amount of hay fed (C, 597 ± 34.1 vs. R, 659 ± 34.1 kg) or average monthly pasture maintenance cost (C, $17.55 ± 3.14 vs. R, $20.50 ± 3.14). Recommended management practices for each grazing system were followed for 27 mo including three grazing seasons. (2015) were reported for entire grazing seasons rather than monthly. The study started in August and ended in November, not all months were sampled the same number of times. Similarly, Teague et al. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. As for hay provided, we did feed supplemental feed for both treatments when forage was at a minimum to maintain horse body condition above a BCS of five. Average horse body condition score (BCS) and body fat differed by treatment, with C horses (BCS 6.3 ± 0.05, 17.9 ± 0.15% body fat) greater than R horses (BCS 5.9 ± 0.05, 16.8 ± 0.15% body fat). (2011). Forage nutrient content varied between treatments, with rotationally grazed pastures having higher DE, ADF, and Ca and lower CP. Continuous grazing did not have a large impact on pasture condition until the first full grazing season. Teague, W. R., S. L. Dowhower, S. A. Baker, N. Haile, P. B. DeLaune, and D. M. Conover. Vegetative cover values during the grazing season were higher than those reported by Burk et al. Westervelt, R. G., J. R. Stouffer, H. F. Hintz, and H. F. Schryver. The key to rotational grazing or trying to expand the grazing season with pasture management is to try a new idea, on a small scale, before you change your whole system. Fleurance, G., P. Duncan, H. Fritz, I. J. Gordon, and M. F. Grenier-Loustalot. (2005) verified that bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) under rotational grazing can produce more forage than under continuous grazing … There are also differences by month for DE, ADF, NDF, CP, WSC, ESC, P (P < 0.0001), and Ca (P = 0.0009) when treatments were combined (Table 6). Therefore, in the first fall season there were few differences between treatments, and the C horses had adequate nutrition from pasture until October, when all horses received partial hay supplementation. MIRG is a system of pasturing animals to maximize pasture growth. Sward height and herbage mass were measured before R horses were allowed into a pasture section to assess the conditions that were available to horses. However, by establishing each pasture similarly, we can observe how much each pasture has deviated from a similar baseline and implement controls for pasture management practices allowing for a more direct comparison of production and species composition variables across pastures and grazing systems. Forage nutritional composition was sampled by collecting forage clippings every 30 paces in a random zig zag pattern in each of the four pastures from 0800 to 1000 in each field on the same day. Data are shown as means and 95% CI. Although there are a couple cons i think that rotational grazing is very beneficial and well worth a try. The 2R stress lot has gates opening into each rotational field. This could have been avoided by using portable water troughs and feeders that could be moved to different locations throughout the pasture; however, this was not possible under the current study’s management conditions. The difference in proportion of KB was not statistically significant. Rotational grazing might seem like a very simple concept, however, this simplicity has great benefits for the entire ecosystem. (2011) of 78 ± 3% and 80 ± 2% (years 1 and 2, respectively), which are still acceptable by the 70% rule. ( Log Out /  During this same timeframe, horses in C pastures essentially had ad libitum access to forage, as they were still allowed to graze pasture forage in addition to being offered supplemental hay. Volume II: Design, supplementary methods and interpretation, Equine behavior problems in relation to humane management, Voluntary intake and controlled grazing of horses, Technical note: Comparing 4 techniques for estimating desired grass species composition in horse pastures, Horse preference, forage yield and species persistence of twelve perennial cool-season grass mixtures under horse grazing, Circadian and seasonal variation in pasture nonstructural carbohydrates and the response of grazing horses. Rotational grazing can result in a decrease in feed costs as grazing livestock will be harvesting their own feed, which in turn will decrease the cost … Unhealthy Goat Grazing Led to a Health Crisis. This work was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hatch project 1003557 through the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Hatch project NJ06170 and the Rutgers Equine Science Center (57 US 1, New Brunswick, NJ 08901). Another plant of note was buckhorn plantain, Plantago lanceolata, which was abundant in the R pastures. Daniel, A. D., B. J. McIntosh, J. D. Plunk, M. Webb, D. McIntosh, and A. G. Parks. Similar to above for VC, this corresponds to a month that fell directly after poor precipitation compared with historical averages. Figure 2 shows the perceptions by non-users and users of rotational grazing practice on four potential rotational grazing benefits, namely 1) increased percentage of desirable grass, 2) decreased runoff and erosion, 3) increased drought resilience or faster drought recovery, and 4) increased stocking rate capacity. Total cover also includes some trampled plant material or litter, which may contribute to soil organic matter as it is decomposed by microbes in soil (Voroney, 2019). Prior to the current study, these areas were utilized for grazing horses. Henneke, D. R., G. D. Potter, J. L. Kreider, and B. F. Yeates. All hay offered was weighed and recorded, and totals were reported for each month of the study; however, waste hay was not collected during this time. (2010). Digestible energy ranged from 2.1 ± 0.01 to 2.8 ± 0.01 Mcal/kg, whereas the present study included values as low as 1.5 Mcal/kg in the winter months to 2.3 Mcal/kg during the early spring months. Williams et al. Warm-season grasses tend to accumulate lower WSC content than cool-season grasses due to lower fructan synthesis (Chatterton et al., 1989). The following year (2013), due to poor initial establishment, pastures were over-seeded with the same species at 3.6, 14.5, and 7.3 kg/ha of the same seed, respectively, to establish a better stand. This generally requires very conservative stocking rates. There was also a significant effect of month for both measures (P < 0.0001). Horse BW was measured using an IND221 electronic scale (Mettler Toledo, Columbus, OH), and BCS was assessed on a scale of 1 to 9 (Henneke et al., 1983). Rotational grazing supports more diverse bird communities, more amphibians and were just as good as grassy buffers in regards to bank stability and in-stream habitat. 2Chi-square (3 df, n = 9,600) = 184.6, P < 0.0001. The cost of maintenance on each system was compared by recording the number of times of each pasture unit mowed and dragged. The C pastures contained temporary run-in shelters, water sources, and hay feeders. The average length of grazing bout per rotational grazing section during the grazing season increased numerically each year from 7.88 ± 0.76 d in 2014, 10.0 ± 0.61 d in 2015, and 10.9 ± 0.80 d in 2016. There was a significant effect of treatment for DE (P = 0.04), ADF (P = 0.033), and Ca (P = 0.005) with each being higher in R (2.03 ± 0.02 Mcal/kg, 34.6 ± 0.6%, 0.62 ± 0.02%, respectively) vs. C (1.97 ± 0.02 Mcal/kg, 32.9 ± 0.6%, 0.53 ± 0.2%, respectively) pastures; however, CP was higher in C (18.2 ± 0.44%) vs. R (16.6 ± 0.44%) pastures (P = 0.007). Grazing Periods:Grazing Periods: 7 7 -- 14days14days Rest Periods: 20 Rest Periods: 20 –– 40 days40 days Stock density: 5000 Stock density: 5000 –– 10,000 lbs./ac10,000 lbs./ac Utilization: 30 Utilization: 30 –– 45%45% Higher degree of selectivity Rotational Grazing Spot grazing still a problem Stewart et al. Pasture maintenance was performed by the Rutgers University Department of Animal Care, and cost was assessed on a per-hectare basis (mowing: $32.10 per ha; dragging: $19.75 per ha). The 3R stress lot connects to a laneway with openings into each rotational field. It is important to note that June 2015 was one of the months with over 50% higher precipitation than the historical average. Many graziers use temporary electric fence systems to manage the size of the paddock. The new peer-reviewed study looks at the multi-species rotational grazing done on the ranch and found that White Oak’s approach reduced net greenhouse gas emissions of the grazing system by 80 percent. The samples were weighed before and after drying at 65 °C for at least 36 h in a Thermocore oven to calculate dry matter (DM) and then ground to 1 mm using a Wiley Mill and sent to Equi-Analytical Laboratories (Ithaca, NY) for wet chemistry of DE, crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), ethanol soluble carbohydrates (ESC), starch, Ca, and P on a DM basis. Months with CI gaps between treatments are different at P < 0.05. This was found to be true for the tall grasses, TF and OG, and the weed category, but the short grass, KB, was not affected by grazing. 1). There were no significant differences between treatments for average monthly amount of hay fed or cost of pasture maintenance. Example: A beef cow herd of thirty 1300-pound cows with calves and one 2000-pound bull is used as an example to demonstrate the four steps to rotational grazing. Information provided in this brochure can help you plan to attain this goal. Horse BW, BCS, and percent body fat (FAT) were measured monthly to determine the effect of grazing system on horse health. However, an extension of this recovery study protocol would be necessary to provide a complete assessment of long-term effects of C vs. R management strategies in horse pastures. (2002) and Burk et al. McIntosh (2007) found an average monthly forage biomass yield of 2,612 kg/ha over 4 mo (April, August, October, and January) in TF pastures in Virginia. Both HEIGHT (Fig. This was performed 100 times per pasture (in R, 25 times per section immediately prior to grazing bouts as noted above for MASS). In the current study, postgrazing measures were not collected; however, if they were, the residual forage mass and associated economic value could have been subtracted from the maintenance cost to determine net cost. Chatterton, N. J., P. A. Harrison, J. H. Bennett, and K. H. Asay. There were also some months where snow cover prohibited sampling (n = 12 in July, September, October, November; n = 8 in January, April, May, June, August, December; n = 4 in February, March). There were significant differences between treatments for average horse BCS (Fig. The cons over rotational grazing may include, having to be able to take time to rotate your cows and the cost of putting up cross section fencing in your pastures. Black lines indicate permanent fencing and white lines indicate temporary electric tape fencing separating rotational fields. Horse FAT was determined by ultrasound (Aloka SSD-500V with linear 3.5 mHz probe, Tokyo, Japan) of subcutaneous rump fat thickness (Westervelt et al., 1976). Rotational grazing is designed to preserve the pasture forages in order to provide more feed to livestock, so it is not surprising that the R pastures performed significantly better than the C pastures. Rotational pastures had higher VC than C for all but four of the 27 mo, two of those being the first 2 mo of measurements when they were not significantly different and again in September 2015. By summer’s end our ladies made it clear that grass was great, but our many trees fit their browsing desires more nicely. Conflict of interest statement. 2Chi-square (3 df, n = 9,600) = 540.6, P < 0.0001. Pregraze sward heights were significantly taller in R fields due to the rest period when pastures could regrow. This video highlights a rotational grazing demonstration using Vence Cattle Manage System. The problem with rotational grazing is “moving livestock between paddocks every set number of days.” Pasture does not respond to grazing the same way throughout the growing season. Below is a brief discussion of the statistical analysis used for each outcome variable. The average length of grazing bout per rotational grazing section increased numerically over time, presumably as the forage roots matured, and was 7.88 ± 0.76 d in 2014, 10.0 ± 0.61 d in 2015, and 10.9 ± 0.80 d in 2016. (2011) found that “multi-paddock” rotational grazing pastures had less bare ground than pastures that were continuously grazed. To control for seasonal variance, the month that measurements were taken was included in the models as a covariate when applicable. Winter turnout of C horses influenced vegetation, as seen in sward height, herbage mass, and VC, which were reduced to lower levels in C pastures. While not particularly attractive, this poses no health concern to the horse. Vegetative cover (VC; measure of living plant cover) and total cover (TC; measure of any soil cover, dead or alive) were estimated using a modified Step Point method (Evans and Love, 1956; Kenny et al., 2018) with 100 observations per pasture; in R pastures, this was accomplished by dividing these observations so that 25 measures were collected in each of the four sections. The months that did drop below the 70% rule were those in the winter months for all pastures and very early spring in the C pastures. (2019) did conclude that rotational grazing did not affect the soluble carbohydrate content of forages compared with continuously grazed forages, and therefore did not affect glucose and insulin concentrations of the horses. 6B) were significantly higher with R (89.5 ± 0.4, 96.5 ± 0.5%, respectively) compared with C (78.4 ± 0.6, 89.1 ± 1.4%, respectively; P < 0.0001). However, neither of these studies utilized replicated pastures. Specifically, for the R system, horses were grazed when forage was taller than 15.2 cm and removed when available forage was depleted to a level of 7.6 cm. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. There was an effect of month for BW (P = 0.01), BCS (P < 0.0001), and FAT (P = 0.0005). The first monthly samples were collected in the first week of September 2014 following one full month of grazing. The qualitative binary outcome for VC and TC was analyzed with a generalized linear mixed model using SAS PROC MIXED with binomial distribution, logit link, blocking by field, and including seasonal covariate month. Smith, D. G., R. W. Mayes, T. Hollands, D. Cuddeford, H. H. Yule, C. M. Ladrero, and E. Gillen. Jordan, S. A., K. R. Pond, J. C. Burns, D. T. Barnett, and P. A. Evans. You guessed it! Each paddock must provide all the needs of the livestock, such as food, water and sometimes shade and shelter. 3; P < 0.0001); however, no significant difference for BW. Virginia Polytechnic Inst. The different herbage mass values seen in the present study may be due to maturity of the grasses at time of sampling, soil physical properties or weather conditions, as soil fertility was optimized before the study began and tested yearly. Rotational grazing involves using small fields sizes, (or paddocks) to move stock frequently to provide a rest for the grass and reduce wastage. It’s healthier for the pasture. However, since DE was significantly higher in the other treatment, we must assume that plant maturity was not the only factor. It can also be more beneficial to the grass because the cows cant overgraze it if you are controlling when they get moved off of the grass. When considering these data, it is important to note that the four pastures were initially similar. Clippings were compiled, and one sample from each of the four fields was submitted for analysis each month. However, winter grazing exclusion was practiced in R pastures when forage was not actively growing. 1Analyses were performed by Dairy One DHIA Forage Testing Laboratory, Ithaca, NY. An observational study in Maryland reported benefits of rotationally grazing horses at a low stocking rate (0.49 ha/horse), although a comparison with continuous grazing was not included. Overall, the study found the opposite of our original hypothesis, with the continuously grazed horses maintaining higher BCS and percentage of body fat than the rotationally grazed horses. When horses in the R systems did not have adequate grass (grass height depleted below 7.6 cm in all pasture sections) due to poor weather conditions (i.e., drought, snow, plant senescence), they were confined to a stress lot and fed grass hay at 2% BW per day to meet nutritional requirements (NRC, 2007) and maintain BCS at a minimum score of five. The study site was the Ryders Lane Best Management Practice Demonstration Horse Farm at the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, NJ (Fig. If established patterns in plant maturity are the only factor, then the treatment with higher DE would assumedly be of lower maturity and therefore should also have lower ADF and higher CP. aMonthly amount was 50–60% of monthly historical average. While the forage quality was high in April, herbage mass and sward height were quite low at that time and R horses did not graze until early June each season. Carey A Williams, Laura B Kenny, Jennifer R Weinert, Kevin Sullivan, William Meyer, Mark G Robson, Effects of 27 mo of rotational vs. continuous grazing on horse and pasture condition, Translational Animal Science, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2020, txaa084, Nitrogen was applied to all fields simultaneously in the early spring prior to initiation of rotational grazing and again in midfall yearly; at this time all horses were removed from the pastures and placed in stress lots for a period of 2 d. Nitrogen was applied every spring and soil tests were conducted yearly on all pastures and determined that other fertilization was not necessary during the study period. N. Haile, P. Duncan, H. F. Hintz, and weeds contributed to the current study NDF did!, A. M., C. B. Marlow, K. M., B. J. McIntosh A.. Hectare makes it inefficient, legumes, and C. C. Sheaffer hay harvest Newton, and R. J. Geor L.! Again during both winter seasons outcomes and analyzed as frequencies ( i.e., counts and! 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