Vows can also be written to acknowledge special circumstances in your relationship, such as differing spiritual beliefs or the creation of a blended family due to a second marriage. The most competent opinion inclines to acknowledge the hand of Leonardo, not only in the face of the angel, but also in parts of the drapery and of the landscape background. They would have been wise to accept the agreement; but with obstinate and misplaced courage they refused to acknowledge Charles as king of France, or to give up to him the capital. All who acknowledged that they had read the Bible, or even that they knew how to read and write, were instantly beheaded. 3. affirmation of truth in a pluralist world, in a world where we have to acknowledge pluralism? For example with replica sets, you can do things like dont acknowledge this write until its on nodes in at least 2 data centers.> 2. acknowledge receipt in a sentence - Use "acknowledge receipt" in a sentence 1. 28-31), and does not acknowledge the northern priesthood to be Levitical (I Kings xii. It is a view difficult to prove, and probably few will acknowledge that Clarke has conclusively proved it. Acknowledge the child's behavior and emotions. His thumb jerked back to acknowledge Nick for the first time. attended, prepared to acknowledge Photius as legitimate patriarch, a concession for which John was much censured by Latin opinion. In the west Manus made unceasing efforts to assert the supremacy of the O'Donnells in north Connaught, where he compelled O'Conor Sligo to acknowledge his overlordship in 1539. Upper and lower Lusatia, Landsberg, and the Saxon Palatinate had been inherited by female members of the family, and passed into the hands of other princes, the old mark was retained by Agnes, the widow of Valdemar, who was married again to Otto II., duke of Brunswick, and the king was forced to acknowledge these claims, and to cede districts to Mecklenburg and Bohemia. In the 11th it was called Rebellum, because it refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Amalfi, and in the 13th, when at the height of its prosperity, it had 36,000 inhabitants. " 3, You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt. Not wanting to talk about eating or wanting to acknowledge the fact there might be a problem. It was now taught that prophecy in general was a peculiarity of the Old Testament ("lex et prophetae usque ad Johannem"); that in the new covenant God had spoken only through apostles; that the whole word of God so far as binding on the Church was contained in the apostolic record - the New Testament; 2 and that, consequently, the Church neither required nor could acknowledge new revelations, or even instructions, through prophets. All Rights Reserved. On this page, you can easily check different meanings of Acknowledged and can learn to make Acknowledged sentence in English. Even Scruffy seemed to acknowledge its arrival, allowing Cynthia to remain on the porch when he ate the table scraps. Before Him they all bow in worship and acknowledge that by Him were created all things and of His own free will were all created. Generally accepted, recognized or admitted. Choose the Right Synonym for acknowledge acknowledge, admit, own, avow, confess mean to disclose against one's will or inclination. In one small chamber there was cleared a frieze, of cupids intermingled with foliage; but in this, after the first moments of illusion, it was only possible to acknowledge the hand of some unknown late and lax decorator of the school, influenced as much by Raphael as by Leonardo. French citizens were forbidden to acknowledge any ecclesiastical jurisdiction outside the kingdom. It is indeed plain that such a sacrifice - for we have here to do, not with human victims in general, but with the sacrifice of the dearest earthly thing - could only be paid to the supreme deity; and Manasseh and his people never ceased to acknowledge Yahweh as the God of Israel.. Blinded by hubris, the terrorist refused to acknowledge that his downfall was approaching. But as the Buddha did not acknowledge a soul, the link of connexion between one life and the next had to be found somewhere else. In June the citizens of Bordeaux declared that they would not acknowledge the authority of the Convention until the imprisoned deputies were set free. Nominally all the provinces and districts of Baluchistan, with the exception of the ceded territory which we call British Baluchistan, are under the khan of Kalat, and all chiefs acknowledge him as their suzerain. Finally he quarrelled with Hume because the latter would not acknowledge all his own friends and Rousseau's supposed enemies of the philosophe circle to be rascals. In particular, they have campaigned for gay acceptance in the entertainment industry and have advocated for more homosexual characters in television and movies and encouraged other gay musicians to publicly acknowledge their sexuality. Learn more. waneth grain and fruit harvests have been gathered as we give thanks for our harvest and acknowledge the waning power of the Sun. Those who practically acknowledge the supremacy of Jesus as Messiah accept all that is essential to the Christianity of Locke. Nay. Thus Locke seems by implication to acknowledge something added by the mind to the original " simple ideas " of extension and succession; though he finds that what is added is not positively conceivable. confessio, from confiteor, acknowledge, confess), a term meaning in general the admission and acknowledgment that one has done something which otherwise might remain undisclosed, especially the acknowledgment of guilt or wrong-doing, either in public or to somebody specially entitled to such knowledge. It seems obvious in hindsight, but ACK stands for "acknowledged. In dedicating to him his Commentary on the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, as "eximiae pietatis et doctrinae viro," he declares that so had he been aided by his instruction that whatever subsequent progress he had made he only regarded as received from him, and "this," he adds, "I wish to testify to posterity that if any utility accrue to any from my writings they may acknowledge it as having in part flowed from thee.". Programs such as those using a 12-step model can encourage meth addicts to discuss the problem and acknowledge any denial about the addiction. Resolution: Work with the child to help her discover and acknowledge the life problems and stressful circumstances that may be reflected in the nightmare. It is important that groups on the Left acknowledge our common desire to rid society of capitalism. For Wiccans, casting any spell means to acknowledge the rule of three. The term is looked at negatively by some who acknowledge that action films geared towards men do not receive a similarly offensive term for their description. According to other authorities, the Romans were obliged to surrender the city, to acknowledge Porsena's supremacy by sending him a sceptre, a royal robe, and an ivory chair, to abandon their territory north of the Tiber, to give up their arms, and in future to use iron for agricultural purposes only. One aspect of aging with grace is to acknowledge that everyone needs help sometimes. On the 10th of July 1460 Henry was taken prisoner at Northampton, and forced to acknowledge York as heir, to the exclusion of his own son. i.) Many of the conquered repeated that proud, sad answer of the men of Rochelle to the English: We will acknowledge you with our lips; but with our hearts, never! The kindest thing you can do for your pet and for yourself is to acknowledge this fact, and try not to impose your sense of grief and anxiety on your dog. Passive people are often not acknowledged by others. It was funny, as you can't acknowledge they are The Monkeys. Sayyar did not at once acknowledge the Caliphate of Yazid III., but induced the Arab chiefs to accept himself as amir of Khorasan, until a caliph should be universally acknowledged. A letter received by her in that cold, dark and unhealthy castle, of which fifteen years before she had made painful and malodorous experience, assured her that her son would acknowledge her only as queen-mother, and provoked at once the threat of a parent's curse and an application to Elizabeth for sympathy. acknowledge as well as Greeks, Orientals and barbarians. 14. when Manfred, who by Frederick's will had been charged with the government of the two Sicilies, felt obliged to acknowledge the pope's suzerainty, Innocent threw off the mask, ignored Conradin's claims, and on the 24th of October formally asserted his own claims to Calabria and Sicily. {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{# Use "acknowledged" in a sentence When they were introduced, he acknowledged her by shaking hands, andlooking at her warmly. Choosing the right gifts for a party can be challenging, however, and couples will most appreciate gifts that acknowledge the new status of their relationship. c. 330) declares: " this was admirable " amongst the Neo-Pythagoreans " that they ascribed everything to Pythagoras; but few of them acknowledge their own works as their own " (de Pythag. The bishop over whom the synod of neighbouring bishops had exercised jurisdiction had no formal right of appeal; but sometimes bishops in other parts of the Church would refuse to acknowledge the local synodical sentence and would communicate with a bishop whom they deemed unjustly deposed. Those who had thought it impossible that any impression could be made upon the House after the speech of Mr Disraeli had to acknowledge that a yet greater impression was produced by the unprepared reply of Mr Gladstone.". Xander didn't acknowledge Jule's statement. We also acknowledge that from time to time this will throw up issues which might be considered anomalous. acknowledge meaning: 1. to accept, admit, or recognize something, or the truth or existence of something: 2. to tell…. ), who after some resistance had to acknowledge Muirchertach O'Lochlainn's supremacy. | simple past tense and past participle of acknowledg | simple past tense and past participle of acknowledge, This petition was presented on the fifteenth, and, But the connection, if it ever existed, is, Ali at first refused obedience, but he finally, How had she read those secrets of his soul that he had never revealed to any one, scarcely, The two coarse sieves mentioned above are employed only, and it is to be, Need we then be surprised that, beguiled by the hopes held out, numbers of them readily, Our evidence is based, to a very great extent, on the communications of missionaries who are, It was not, of course, an ordinary topic of conversation, but it was an, His education had been neglected; he looked upon me as his superior in mental powers and acquirements, and tacitly, At length falsehood has been discovered by us to exist, and we have, The master he had elected was my father, in whom he, The merits of the travellers we have named as observers and scholars are freely, When the violinist appeared for his solo, he quietly, That he was good-looking, in a big, blond, Scotch or Scandinavian way, she had, Had they bestowed half the pains in practising this craft that they squandered in wheedling a few shillings from us on the strength of it, they must long since have been, With their confirming smile and nod, they, Stephen hated Vetch with all his heart, but he, Since reaching years of discretion, I have preferred, Onto in a sentence | Short example sentence for onto[Class 1-5], Dormouse in a sentence | Short example sentence for dormouse[Class 1-5], Chillier in a sentence | Short example sentence for chillier[Class 1-5], Breadcrumbs in a sentence | Short example sentence for Breadcrumbs[Class 1-5], Gladdened in a sentence | Short example sentence for gladdened[Class 1-5], Casement in a sentence | Short example sentence for casement[Class 1-5], Culinary in a sentence | Short example sentence for culinary[Class 1-5], Pebbles in a sentence | Short example sentence for Pebbles[Class 1-5], Gushed in a sentence | Short example sentence for gushed[Class 1-5], Woodcutter in a sentence | Short example sentence for Woodcutter[Class 1-5], Concluded in a sentence | Short example sentence for concluded[Class 1-5], Added in a sentence | Short example sentence for added[Class 1-5], Stated in a sentence | Short example sentence for stated[Class 1-5], Continues in a sentence | Short example sentence for continues[Class 1-5], Expressed in a sentence | Short example sentence for expressed[Class 1-5], Addressed in a sentence | Short example sentence for addressed[Class 1-5], Said in a sentence | Short example sentence for said[Class 1-5], Explained in a sentence | Short example sentence for explained[Class 1-5], Vowed in a sentence | Short example sentence for vowed[Class 1-5]. But neither of them were going to be able to move on, if they didn't both at least acknowledge that she was stuck in Hell – for good. The Speaker acknowledged that she was right in what she said but the Motion had been put to the vote and the ayes had had it. - The conquest of Mecca had been of the greatest importance to the Prophet, not only because Islam thus obtained possession of this important city with its famous sanctuary, but above all because his late adversaries were at last compelled to acknowledge him as the Envoy of God. 15. Here Trendelenburg finds the dividing line between philosophical systems. General Arthur refused to resign on the ground that to retire "under fire" would be to acknowledge wrong-doing, and claimed that as the abuses were inherent in a widespread system he should not be made to bear the responsibility alone. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. The federal government refused to acknowledge the new governor, and troops were despatched by Sarmiento against Entre Rios. They follow the Orthodox Eastern liturgy, ceremonial and calendar, but acknowledge the papal and doctrinal authority of Rome. acknowledged definition: known or accepted by many people. He skilfully took advantage of the alarm of the German Protestants after the battle of White Hill in 1620, to secure the coadjutorship to the see of Bremen for his son Frederick (September 1621), a step followed in November by a similar arrangement as to Werden; while Hamburg by the compact of Steinburg (July 1621) was induced to acknowledge the Danish overlordship of Holstein. All users need to acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by others will be at their own risk. Hindustan he had to march north into Khwarizm (Khiva) against his brother-in-law Mamun, who had refused to acknowledge Mahmud's supremacy. acknowledged example sentences. Accountholders must acknowledge that they understand there will be a fee associated with overdraft protection. In documenting the euphoria of the Ecstasy experience, he does not fail to acknowledge the inevitable comedown. 38. This monster had managed to find Merrill Cooms, forcing us to acknowledge his abilities. This enforced union lasted only during the lifetime of the emperor. Sheik himself invaded Asia Minor and forced the Turkoman states to acknowledge his suzerainty. Equitius was afterwards elected tribune. He sought to remedy the evil by liaisons with two of the most beautiful of his countrywomen, Barbara Gizanka and Anna Zajanczkowska, the diet undertaking to legitimatize and acknowledge as his successor any heir male who might be born to him; but their complacency was in vain, for the king died childless. But in spite of all this we are forced to acknowledge that, as a master of what we may perhaps call "narrative history," he has no superior in antiquity; for, inferior as he is to Thucydides, to Polybius, and even to Tacitus in philosophic power and breadth of view, he is at least their equal in the skill with which he tells his story. He had in no way acknowledged it. It is often acknowledged that the history of mankind is written by its victors. some way acknowledge his supremacy (Emanuel Ullmann, Volkerrecht, § 16); M. The theological calmness of the West, amid the violent theological disputes which troubled the Eastern patriarchates, and the statesmanlike wisdom of Rome's greater bishops, combined to give a unique position to the pope, which councils in vain strove to shake, and which in time of difficulty the Eastern patriarchs were fain to acknowledge and make use of, however they might protest against it and the conclusions deduced from it. Many voters absent in the Confederate army when the vote was taken refused to acknowledge the transfer on their return. It can be shown, however, that Newton was not ignorant of Bacon's works, and Dr Fowler explains his silence with regard to them on three grounds: (1) that Bacon's reputation was so well established that any definite mention was unnecessary, (2) that it was not customary at the time to acknowledge indebtedness to contemporary and recent writers, and (3) that Newton's genius was so strongly mathematical (whereas Bacon's great weakness was in mathematics) that he had no special reason to refer to Bacon's experimental principles. Although the mother of the Gracchi refused to acknowledge him, the people stoned Metellus because he would not admit his claim to citizenship. The sultan was forced to acknowledge their validity, and to grant a German company a lease of his mainland territories south of the mouth of the Umba river, a British company formed by Mackinnon taking a lease of the territories north of that point. You can laugh along with the silly quotes and ditzy stereotypes, but make sure you acknowledge the true athlete that resides in the heart of each young man and woman. These suggestions for writing a goodbye letter for co-workers can help you acknowledge these people appropriately and make the transition a little easier for you and for them. The natives have adopted many customs of white civilization, and on the Aleutians, and in coastal Alaska, and in scattered regions in the interior acknowledge Christianity under the forms of the Orthodox Greek or other churches. Acknowledged definition is - generally recognized, accepted, or admitted. By the time a child is about two and a half or three, the child is able to acknowledge that a death has occurred but will not really understand the reality of death. He is also acknowledged as an excellent goal-keeper. She didn't acknowledge his order but headed toward the stairs. In 1807 the sultan offered to grant the Serbs self-government, and to acknowledge Karageorge as the chief of the nation with the title of prince. Cards. 2. Ali pretended to grant an amnesty to all Omayyads who should come in to him at Abu Fotros (Antipatris) and acknowledge the new caliph,and even promised them the restitution of all their property. It was, however, far easier to acknowledge that the Capitulations rgime was defective and had outlived its time than to devise a remedy and get all the nations interested to accept it. Acknowledge their erotic appeal and their practicality under tight-fitting clothing. This last clause led to a long and desultory war with Thebes, which refused to acknowledge the independence of the Boeotian towns under its hegemony: the Cadmeia, the citadel of Thebes, was treacherously seized by Phoebidas in 382 and held by the Spartans until 379. Towards the end of the 18th century the Hameg wrested power from the Funj and the kingdom fell into decay, many of the tributary princes refusing to acknowledge the king of Sennar. Graduation cards are a good idea to acknowledge the important day and the days that have led up to it. Blinded by hubris, the terrorist refused to acknowledge that his downfall was approching. It is time to acknowledge the war on drugs is just not winnable. Were Called Acephali Because They Had No Lands By Virtue Of Which They Could Acknowledge A Superior Lord. While disabled people can certainly use mainstream websites, these websites acknowledge the additional challenges of dating for the disabled. On his return to Rome, Eugenius had to treat with his rebel subjects and to acknowledge the senate they had elected, but he was unable to procure the expulsion of the agitator. Again, this helps the recipient feel a part of your big day, and it is a way for you to acknowledge that while your wedding was strictly a private affair, you are excited to share your excitement with your loved ones as soon as possible. Sometimes, you need to acknowledge the path at your feet and just go with it. The grammar isn’t done well and the whole phraseology is laboured. He demanded of the king, as the conditions of his retaining office, that he should give up all the possessions of the see, accept his spiritual counsel, and acknowledge Urban as pope in opposition to the anti-pope, Clement. For the North had proclaimed a blockade of the Southern ports; and it wo-old have been both inconvenient and unfair if Lord Russell had decided to recognize the blockade and had refused to acknowledge the belligerent rights of the Southern States. But neither in England nor in Sicily did official formalism acknowledge even French, much less Italian, as a fit tongue for solemn documents. Although they acknowledge a certain "car crash" effect similar to the idea of drivers craning their necks to see a bad accident, they point towards human compassion as the driving force. Secession is a right claimed or exercised by weaker states of a union whose rights are threatened by the stronger states, which seldom acknowledge such a principle. m., with a population of 62,461,549, is divided up among various native states, all of which acknowledge the suzerainty of the paramount power, but are directly administered by semi-independent rulers, usually assisted by a British resident. We acknowledge one baptism for remission of sins. Notwithstanding the victory of Cape St Vincent, England was brought into such extreme peril by the mutinies in the fleet that she offered to acknowledge the French conquest of the Netherlands and to restore the French colonies. A champion is a letter that you send to acknowledge your stress and find with! Muirchertach O'Lochlainn 's supremacy enhance your vocabulary and probably few will acknowledge the there... Order but headed toward the stairs king of Hungary, and Yahweh take! Memon did not acknowledge it and acknowledge any ecclesiastical jurisdiction outside the kingdom for refusing acknowledge! Archdukes made a compact agreeing to acknowledge there might be a nice way to acknowledge that anxiety attacks be! Formal treaty about Ottos fall before Frederick II throw up issues which might a! Cooms, forcing us to acknowledge the independence of the Gracchi refused to acknowledge that a museum.. 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